In this demonstration we show how a salesforce application is mobilised on a tablet emulator. We see how the data is monitored and then simulate an offline Insert and Update of records and then finally regain connection and see how the data is pushed to the platform along with ‘Connection Sessions’ to record the success.
Lean UX in the Enterprise
Cross Posted from our Developer Site here A few nights ago Todd and myself went to a great talk a short walk from St Pancras station, London. There was one talk, a solid Q&A section, all followed by a prize draw (we didn’t win unfortunately, maybe next time). Jeff Gothelf was the speaker, who has co-written a book on Lean …
Introducing the MobileCaddy CLI
Cross posted from our Developers site here The MobileCaddy CLI is the easiest way to use MobileCaddy to create offline first, robust and versionable mobile applications for Using the MobileCaddy CLI you can quickly create a project structure based on one of our template applications that will allow you to have a deployable mobile application in a matter of …